We offer domestic and international shipping options for online orders through USPS, FedEx, and DHL International. Please allow at least 2 - 3 business days for your order to be packed and processed for shipping. The shipping estimates listed at the time of the order are based on when the parcel leaves our premises, not when the order is placed. Please contact your chosen carrier with your tracking information to inquire about the estimated date of arrival and location of your package.

Orders are shipped out Monday-Friday. Orders that come in on Friday after 10am HST will not go out until the following Monday, even if the request is for overnight shipping.

There is no option for free shipping. If you live on Hawaiʻi island and would like to pick up your order at our Downtown Hilo Flagship store, please use the "Notes" section to indicate you would like to pick up your order. Please allow at least 4-6 hours for your store pickup to be processed. We will contact you when the item is ready and refund any shipping costs paid when the item is picked up.
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