The screen door was slamming all day, the porch was filled with slippers. All kinds. Rubber. Leather. Blue. Black. Aquamarine. I looked at them all. Actually a quick scan. Looking for the best ones - maybe my size, or a new color that I never had before. Is that rubber better than mine? That logo is kind of nice….
You know how it goes at a local gathering. Leave yours for another. Pick out a newer one or maybe a better brand. Or the most comfortable. We’ve all done it, even if you didn’t switch yours out, the thought still counts!
This time I went back to mine because I had my HAYN featuring Sig Zane Designs and I was glad that it was still there at the end of the night.
We will be releasing the latest of our HAYN designs this Friday at our Hilo store, as well as online at
Come grab a pair!