Mark White for Sig Zane - 2016

M A R K  W H I T E  F O R  S I G  Z A N E

Mark White is such an inspiration! He’s older, he surfs, and he still catches ulua! The most unreal thing? He makes his own fishing lures! And they catch. No just once or twice. But always. I wanna be like him when I grow up!

After many months of trial and error, Mark has perfected a collaborative lure for us.  He had been working on wood lures so we suggested ʻōhiʻa because of its cultural values.  He developed several prototypes and we immediately took them to sea.  The response was encouraging!  Now, after refinement, we have our ʻōhiʻa lures ready

ʻŌ H I ʻ A  K A N A K O L U

The ‘ōhiʻa log has been sitting in storage for thirty years.  Cut from a subdivision in South Kona when some friends were building a home, Mark White got to use some of it for our project.  Makalehua, our ʻōhiʻa wood fishing lures, celebrates master craftsmanship and the deep cultural respect for the tree.

The ʻōhiʻa forests are very important to the cycle of life here in Hawaiʻi.  Its most important  function is to attract the clouds from the oceans and to bring them onto land, which eventually becomes the rains, giving us our drinking water.  Its high rank in rituals perpetuate our connections to the akua of hula and to nature.  Chants dictate its role and manifests the power.

The carved kiʻi, like the ones at Puʻuhonua O Honaunau, is a testament to spiritual connections and the dedication and rank in the society.

These limited ʻŌhiʻa lures will be available for purchase this Saturday, December 10th at S. Tokunaga store. Any remaining stock will be available Monday at our Hilo store.
Photos by Russell Mitsuda Photography
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